Monthly Archives: November 2012


This year (2012) Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the liturgical season after Pentecost (US) or after Trinity (1662 C of E BCP), falls on November 25, getting us ready to launch into Advent the following Sunday. Given that the gospel reading for this day is part of the exchange between Jesus and Pilate dealing with Truth, perhaps this Sunday should be called Christ the Truth Sunday, or simply Truth Sunday. This would be a Sunday devoted to Truth as essentially an additional hypostasis of the Godhead; as conversely Trinity Sunday is devoted to the undivided Godhead. Truth could take its place alongside other would-be hypostases — Wisdom, Beauty, Love, Justice, Mercy, Forgiveness, etc. For after all Jesus earlier in John 14:6 had said that He was the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Pilate asked, “What IS truth?” That as Jesus stood in front of him bearing witness to the truth. For everyone that is of the Truth — lives in and participates in and grows into its (Christ’s) likeness — hears Jesus’ voice and its offer of merciful grace, merciful forgiveness, merciful love, merciful and completely unmerited salvation. AMEN